The preferred choice of UI framework to build decentralized applications on top of Injective at @InjectiveLabs is Nuxt3. We are going to help you configure Nuxt3 + the Vite builder with the @injectivelabs packages and some polyfills since you'll need them to interact with Crypto wallets.
1. Installing Nuxt 3
Follow the Getting Started guide at Nuxt3 Docs and setup your application.
2. Installing @injectivelabs packages
You can install the @injectivelabs packages using yarn.
$ yarn add @injectivelabs/sdk-ts @injectivelabs/networks @injectivelabs/ts-types @injectivelabs/utils
## If you need Wallet Connection
$ yarn add @injectivelabs/wallet-ts
These are the most commonly used packages from the injective-ts monorepo.
Make sure you are using the vue-tsc@1.8.8 , nuxt@^3.8.1, typescript@^5.0.4 versions.
One of the main dependencies for any crypto-related decentralized application is Buffer. To make sure we add Buffer to our project, we can install it as a dependency and then make a Nuxt plugin to import it to the global/window object:
Before we boot our application, we need to set everything up in the nuxt.config.ts, the main configuration point for every Nuxt 3 application. Let's see a reference nuxt.config.ts and explain every line using comments so it's easier for developers to understand.
// filename - nuxt.config.ts
import { nodePolyfills } from '@bangjelkoski/vite-plugin-node-polyfills'
import tsconfigPaths from 'vite-tsconfig-paths'
export default defineNuxtConfig({
ssr: false, // whether to pre-render your application
modules: [
// nuxtjs modules
typescript: {
typeCheck: 'build', // we recommend build so you do typescript checks only on build type
imports: {
// automatic imports of store definitions (if you use pinia)
dirs: ['store/**'],
pinia: {
// import pinia definitions
autoImports: ['defineStore'],
plugins: [
// import the buffer plugin we've made
src: './plugins/buffer.client.ts',
ssr: false,
// We generate only sitemaps for the client side as we don't need a server
// Note: there is a problem with sitemaps for Vite + Nuxt3
// as usual is that it takes too much time/memory to generate
// sitemaps and the build process can fail
// on Github Actions/Netlify/Vercel/etc so we have to use another
// strategy like generating them locally and pushing them to services like
// busgnag
sourcemap: {
server: false,
client: true,
// Vite related config
vite: {
plugins: [
// setting up node + crypto polyfils + vite TS path resolution
nodePolyfills({ protocolImports: false }),
build: {
sourcemap: false, // we don't generate
// default rollup options
rollupOptions: {
cache: false,
output: {
manualChunks: (id: string) => {
// needed for some Vite related issue for the
// @bangjelkoski/vite-plugin-node-polyfills plugin
optimizeDeps: {
exclude: ['fsevents'],
There is one optimization that you can to decrease the bundle size - add these resolutions in the packages.json
Finally, you can start your app locally using yarn dev or generate static pages using yarn generate which you can deploy to any static page hosting like Netlify, Vercel, etc.