
Example code snippets to query the auction module on the chain.

Using gRPC

Fetch module params such as the auction period

import { ChainGrpcBankApi } from '@injectivelabs/sdk-ts'
import { getNetworkEndpoints, Network } from '@injectivelabs/networks'

const endpoints = getNetworkEndpoints(Network.Testnet)
const chainGrpcAuctionApi = new ChainGrpcAuctionApi(endpoints.grpc)

const moduleParams = await chainGrpcAuctionApi.fetchModuleParams()


Fetch the state of the current auction, such as the latest round

import { ChainGrpcBankApi } from '@injectivelabs/sdk-ts'
import { getNetworkEndpoints, Network } from '@injectivelabs/networks'

const endpoints = getNetworkEndpoints(Network.Testnet)
const chainGrpcAuctionApi = new ChainGrpcAuctionApi(endpoints.grpc)

const latestAuctionModuleState = await auctionApi.fetchModuleState()


Fetch the current auction basket and get info such as the highest bidder and amount

import { ChainGrpcBankApi } from '@injectivelabs/sdk-ts'
import { getNetworkEndpoints, Network } from '@injectivelabs/networks'

const endpoints = getNetworkEndpoints(Network.Testnet)
const chainGrpcAuctionApi = new ChainGrpcAuctionApi(endpoints.grpc)

const currentBasket = await chainGrpcAuctionApi.fetchCurrentBasket()


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