
Example code snippets to query the indexer for auction module related data.

Using gRPC

Fetch auction based off the round

import { IndexerGrpcAuctionApi } from '@injectivelabs/sdk-ts'
import { getNetworkEndpoints, Network } from '@injectivelabs/networks'

const endpoints = getNetworkEndpoints(Network.Testnet)
const indexerGrpcAuctionApi = new IndexerGrpcAuctionApi(endpoints.indexer)

const round = 1

const auction = await indexerGrpcAuctionApi.fetchAuction(round)


Fetch auctions

import { IndexerGrpcAuctionApi } from '@injectivelabs/sdk-ts'
import { getNetworkEndpoints, Network } from '@injectivelabs/networks'

const endpoints = getNetworkEndpoints(Network.Testnet)
const indexerGrpcAuctionApi = new IndexerGrpcAuctionApi(endpoints.indexer)

const auction = await indexerGrpcAuctionApi.fetchAuctions()


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