Min Price Tick Size

The min market price tick size for an order price - if a market has an minPriceTickSick of 0.001 and order submission with the price of 0.0011 will be rejected.

Note that calculating the formula for calculating a spot and quote market price tick size are different.

Spot market

  1. UI human readable to chain format: Using INJ/USDT market which has 18 base decimals and 6 quote decimals as an example, here's how we convert the value to the chain format:

const chainFormat = new BigNumberInBase(10)
  .pow(quoteDecimal - baseDecimal)
  1. Chain format to UI human readable format: Using INJ/USDT market which has 18 base decimals and 6 quote decimals as an example, here's how we convert the value to the UI human readable format:

const humanReadableFormat = new BigNumber(value)
  .shiftedBy(baseDecimals - quoteDecimals)

Derivative market

  1. UI human readable to chain format: Using INJ/USDT perp market which has 6 quote decimals as an example, here's how we convert the value to the chain format:

const chainFormat = new BigNumberInBase(10)
  1. Chain format to UI human readable format: Using INJ/USDT perp market which has 6 quote decimals as an example, here's how we convert the value to the UI human readable format:

const humanReadableFormat = new BigNumber(value)

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