Min Quantity Tick Size

The min market quantity tick size for an order price - if a market has an minQuantityTickSize of 0.001 and order submission with the quantity of 0.0011 will be rejected.

Note that derivate markets shares the same format for minQuantityTickSize between UI and the chain, so no formatting is required.

Spot market

  1. UI human readable to chain format: Using on a INJ/USDT market which has 18 base decimals and 6 quote decimals as an example, here's how we convert the value to the chain format:

const chainFormat = new BigNumberInWei(value).toBase(baseDecimals)
  1. Chain format to UI human readable format: Using INJ/USDT market which has 18 base decimals and 6 quote decimals as an example, here's how we convert the value to the UI human readable format:

const humanReadableFormat = new BigNumber(minQuantityTickSize)

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