Injective defines its own custom Account type that uses Ethereum's ECDSA secp256k1 curve for keys. This satisfies the EIP84 for full BIP44 paths. The root HD path for Injective-based accounts is m/44'/60'/0'/0.
Address conversion
You can easily convert between an Injective address and Ethereum address by using our utility functions in the @injectivelabs/sdk-ts package:
import { getInjectiveAddress, getEthereumAddress } from'@injectivelabs/sdk-ts'constinjectiveAddress='inj1...'constethereumAddress='0x..'console.log('Injective address from Ethereum address => ',getInjectiveAddress(ethereumAddress))console.log('Ethereum address from Injective address => ',getEthereumAddress(injectiveAddress))
Deriving wallets
Using Injective utility classes
Example code snippet on how to derive Injective Account from a private key and/or a mnemonic phrase: